Thursday, April 2, 2009

Calming medication

Welcome To calming medication

The Weird Week in Review

A Masters Degree in The Beatles Liverpool Hope University is now offering a Master of Arts degree in The Beatles. The course is called “The Beatles, Popular Music and Society” and consists of four 12-week classes plus a dissertation. Believed to be the first course of its kind, the annou...

Read the full post from mental_floss Blog

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Robbie George On The Opposite Presidency

Robbie George & Eric Cohen point out the President's abuse of language yesterday. The announcement was classic Obama: advancing radical policies while seeming calm and moderate, and preaching the gospel of civility while accusing those who disagree with the policies of being "divisive" and even ...

Read the full post from Wheat & Weeds

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Definition. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) begins and is most often diagnosed in childhood. Some people are not diagnosed until adulthood, but, as they look back, they can document symptoms starting before age seven (Hallowell & Ratey, 1994). ...

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calming medication